VAT Tax Rate Changes (Published 2018) Written on . Posted in News.

Mexico Saudi Arabia Tax Treaty effective starting April 2018
The 2016 double tax agreement, DTA, between the two countries went live on March 1, 2018 applying from January 1, 2019 in both countries. According to the DTA the tax withholding rates is 5 percent for payment of dividends, 5 pecent /10 percent for interest and 10 percent for royalties.
The Egpytian sales tax rate will increase on July 1, 2017
Sales Tax Rate will change to 14% effective on July 1, 2017
The Romanian standard VAT rate decreased on January 1, 2017
The Romanian Government has has loweredits VAT rate on January 1, 2017 from 20% to 19%.
Italy increased standard VAT rate to 24%
Effective on January 1, 2017, the Italian government increased their standard VAT rate from 22% to 24%.
Greece increase their standard VAT rate to 24%
Effecitve on July 1, 2016, the Greek government raised their standard VAT rate from 23% to 24%.